Tuesday, October 28, 2014

L.A. Life: The Church Key

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that here in L.A., I definitely get around a lot.  I don't even post half the places I go because of my love-hate relationship with social media, but that's a whole other story.  I love to eat, and shop, and get my nails did and see cool things (some kid-friendly and some not).  I'm actually working on a secret project that takes me all over the city, and as soon as I get some balls I'll give more details about that too (I know, I know I hate when people do that to me too but I promise I have a good reason.) Anyway, some places have been a total letdown (like the pumpkin patch I mentioned here) whereas others have been amazing.  So amazing in fact, that I feel it is important to take up space in the blogosphere by sharing my most favorite L.A. discoveries right here on TFR from time to time.  

First up in my great big fat "L.A. Life" is, in my humble opinion, the best doughnut I have ever had. Said doughnut can be found at a restaurant I'm obsessed with called The Church Key.  I've been here a few times now, and in a city so packed with restaurants that I could literally eat at a new place 365 days a year, that is saying something you guys.  

Aside from the super cute location (near Sunset Plaza), and decor/atmosphere (think cozy, slightly industrial, slightly rustic, and just chic) the concept of the restaurant isn't one I've really seen before. I mean, sure, I've gorged at my fair share of dim sum places, but this place takes dim sum to a whole new level. You might find a dumpling here or there, but the Church Key dim sum carts are far more international - mahi tacos, mexican street corn, tandoori chicken, various sushi and sashimi, and even liquid nitrogen alcoholic popsicles are pushed around and brought to you tableside.  And, the food is GOOD.  Not just gimmicky.  There's also an a la carte menu you can order from - the Jidori Chicken Tikka Masala and the potato pierogies are my faves.

But the crown jewel of this place is the doughnut trio.  The menu describes them as "Brioche Donuts - Brown Butter Glaze - Cinnamon Caramel" but they are so much more than that.  They are salty sweet delicious clouds of air and butter that melt in your mouth, and I think there's a hint of alcohol in there somewhere. There's some ice cream involved.  A whole lot of happy groaning.  See that pic up there? That's me making a drunk-off-deliciousness face with aforesaid doughnut, because it literally made me so happy I didn't EVEN know how to act.  The doughnuts are the restaurant's most popular dessert; yet sadly, the last time I was there the waiter told me that the pastry chef was so sick of making them he tried to get them taken off the menu.  Here's hoping that good triumphs over evil and that NEVER happens.  And if it does, I hope I find out beforehand, so I can go eat 40 of them before they are gone forever.

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