Monday, May 20, 2013

Tribal & Turquoise

Dress: local boutique, similar here
Bra: local boutique, similar here
Bag: Kohls (old, similar here, splurge here)
Ring: YSL Arty
Bracelets: C. Wonder, Shopbop (all old)
Shoes: Elizabeth & James (old, similar here)

This dress combines many of my favorite things: coral, turquoise, an open back, comfort, and a high-low hemline.  On a cooler day I'd probably throw a denim jacket over this, however considering the fact that I broke into a sheen of sweat just standing outside taking these photos for 15 minutes, that won't be happening any time soon.  As for the shoes - I invested in these Elizabeth & James flats about three years ago, and I have never regretted it.  It was love at first sight, and I still love them today.  Always trust your instincts when shopping . . . and dating, and ordering food off a menu, and umm pretty much all the time.  If you're not 100% in love with an item and find yourself trying to convince yourself that you need it, it's ok, and probably best, to walk away.  Like the time I convinced myself that I needed a pair of oversize jersey cropped harem pants because they were trendy even though I knew I looked nothing like the model in the picture wearing them.  They arrived in the mail, and the minute I put them on I became a short squat MC Hammer wannabe wearing a saggy black diaper.  Those pants are thankfully gone - along with the money I spent on them.  Lesson learned.    


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